Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good Food Good Health - Healthy Liver Reduces Cellulite

Good Food Good Health - Healthy Liver Reduces Cellulite

Hi Everyone

Ladies did you know the greatest thing to help keep cellulite to a minimum is through a good healthy diet, as this keeps your liver working at its potential, reducing storage of HDL - bad cholesterol.

As I have Mentioned many times before 'we are what we eat' so our motto 'good Food for good health' should be everybody's.

I believe as we get older we do take this 'on board', but we need to encourage the younger generation that they need to instill this as a way of life now, and not something they can just put right later on, as cellulite can start to form at puberty - although it is generally later.

French doctors coined the term 'cellulite' - the bain of all woMen, believing it is a certain form of fat that accumulates under the skin, leaving the affected area looking lumpy and dimpled, like orange peel.

As with any health problem, there is generally no such thing as a single cause, but different life situations combined with co-factors and causative agents that interact and promote an effect or symptom, and cellulite is no different.

Today most doctors do not believe cellulite to be a special form of fat, but believe it is simply ordinary fat that is pulled down by gravity.

I hold my hand up to the fact that over the years I have checked in the mirror for tell tale signs, and yes I do have some, I first noticed it when I was half way through my first pregNancy and nearly had a fit, only being 28.

Before this I had always thought cellulite was an 'older' thing that happened to us when we became a certain age, unlike nowadays when the paparazzi show pictures of stick insect models sporting it.

Cellulite can affect any woman of any size at any time. I really wish that when I was younger I knew what I know now about eating 'good Food for good health', as this has a great bearing on what we are, and how this really does affect our health and its effect on our body.

Many studies have been carried out on cellulite and its causes, and weak functioning of the liver was found to be common in woMen prone to it.

So it cannot be stressed enough ladies that we really do need to eat a varied diet of good Food, so that the liver can work effectively. When we eat a poor diet that is high in saturated fats, our liver becomes sluggish and clogged.

Fatty degeneration of the liver is caused by excessive fat build up and impAirs the ability to function and handle fat properly, this allows fat to be stored around the body accumulating often around the waistline or being deposited as cellulite under the skin.

When the liver is impAired by fatty degeneration cholesterol levels are hampered allowing 'bad' LDL cholesterol to build up instead of manufacturing 'good' cholesterol - HDL.

Also it revealed that a poor lymphatic system, bad circulation and constipation were thought to help with the formation of cellulite. Hormonal in-balances could also be a determining factor.

Therefore poor dietary choices and nutritional deficiencies- where diets are rich in processed foods, fats, alcohol and toxins such as additives and colourings affect our biochemical processes and digestion, that hinders and prevents natural detoxification.

Because of the Fast food lifestyle undertaken nowadays - obesity is alarmingly on the rise, and is an underlying cause of several illnesses, as the dietary factors with these types of foods are causing congestion of vessels and ducts of the circulation and eliminations systems including the bile ducts of the liver and the digestive tract.

Unfortunately for us females hormones and fat are very much related, and after reaching puberty we carry twice as much fat due to the body becoming ready for the event of pregNancy. This stored fat is very resistant to the effort of weight loss.

Fat or fat cells are formed from - fatty acids in food, lipoproteins in the liver, chylomicrons in the intestine and from insulin dependant triglycerides that come from amino acids and glucose.

The volume of fat cells in certain areas of the body is increased with higher levels of estrogen and progesterone, whereas testerone does the opposite.

So ladies we are all bound to have some cellulite, but by eating a healthy diet and eating slowly can help as this allows the enzymes that break down food to work efficiently enabling proper absorption of nutrients and digestion of the food.

As we get older- the pancreas that produces enzymes to metabolise food starts to diminish, so this can also lead to fat gain. Aging is not the only factor for of the pancreas producing fewer enzymes, our diet can be a cause when high in processed foods and trans fatty acids.

When your liver is healthy it produces bile that breaks down fat. If your body is lacking certain nutrients the bile cannot do its Job properly, or if the liver is clogged with toxins, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.

So drinking plenty of fluid and eating a varied diet of good food will give you many of the different nutrients, vitamins and anti oxidants needed to keep the liver working at full potential.

Fruit and vegetables are excellent, and you can always make them into a smoothie if you prefer to 'drink' them rather than eat them.

Beetroot juice is said to help the liver break down stored fats, you can make it fresh with an extractor or buy it from your local health food shop and drink a small glass daily.

Seaweed is rich in minerals, proteins, iodine and vitamins and is said to promote smooth skin and to gets fats moving in the body. Seaweed - Kelp tablets are available in most health stores, and there are many seaweed-based products that are great for the skin.

Skin brushing is claimed to remove toxic waste by stimulating the lymphatic system, directly through the skin. Brush your whole body once a day, I often do this in the shower, start off gently then gradually increase pressure to a firm stroke as you become used to it.

Begin brushing with the soles of your feet, moving up your legs with firm sweeping strokes - I always linger a little longer on the thighs, then brush up the arms, across the shoulders and down your back to the buttocks - another area I linger on, then softly across your tummy and chest with light circular strokes to your neck

I believe Massage is the best way of making cellulite look less obvious, it does not go away but the surface becomes less dimply with regular massaging.

There are many products today claiming to reduce cellulite, whether these are effective or not is a matter of opinion, but if they make you feel better about your cellulite then they are worth it.

Skin firming lotions are great for massaging all over your body and especially in areas where cellulite is prone.

Almost twenty years on since having seen my first signs of cellulite, I am really lucky as it has not increased much at all, and my friends and family have noticed this too.

I have never been a great exercise freak, but yoga and walking are my passion and my dog appreciates the walks! This combined with a healthy diet most of the time - like everyone eating a little of what you fancy does not hurt- but continually on a regular base can cause problems- is all I do.

I have not yet bought into buying expensive creams and lotions, but I do body brush a couple of times a week and Massage an ordinary body lotion all over every day, I feel this keeps my skin in excellent condition and really helps with circulation by improving blood flow.

It may take a few minutes longer every day doing this, but it has the advanTAGe that you really get to know your body and notice when there are little changes, which us woMen should all take care of, especially the breast area.

Let us know how you have improved your cellulite.

So remember good food is good health.

Sandra & Ted

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vegetable Juice Recipes - 4 Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss!

Vegetable Juice Recipes - 4 Juicing Recipes For Weight Loss!

Vegetable juice recipes are not only a great way to detoxify, cleanse and rejuvenate your body, they are also a great answer when looking for Fast ways to lose weight. Sometimes Fast ways to lose weight don't transform into keeping the pounds off.

The most important thing to consider when choosing a diet is to stick to one that you can turn into a life time life style.

The following plan for Fast weight loss has worked for many people. It's healthy, and doesn't deprive your body from the vitamins and anti-oxidants it needs. This is a diet you can continue for a lifelong. The pounds keep falling off and since you don't feel deprived (you are eating your regular Food, except for sweets and alcohol) you can stick with it forever.

If juicing Recipes for weight loss is your thing, you should be juicing more vegetables and adding the occasional fruit to the mix to sweeten it up. The reason for that is that fruits are loaded with sugar. A lot of sugar, means no weight loss.

Vegetable juice recipes include vegetables in their raw state. Yes, beets and broccoli too. As a novice you can start on the easier juicing recipes for weight loss and progress gradually when you're ready.

When juicing, make a 330 ml glass of vegetable juice, and drink before each meal. You will feel the results instantly as appetite decreases, cravings disappear and your sweet tooth is suddenly satisfied without any sugary Foods.

Here are some of the best vegetable juice recipes:

Juicing recipes for weight loss#1-

Carrots (washed and peeled) 1 apple Finely grated Ginger

Juicer Recipes#2-

Chopped tomatoes Carrots Mint leaves

Juicer Recipes#3-

Spinach Apple 1 peeled orange

Juicer Recipes #4-Beetroot Juice

Beetroot Carrots Finely grated Ginger

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tools For Juicing

Tools For Juicing

Hand Juicer

For the simplest juices this is all that you will need. A small stainless steel manual juicer or a plastic one with collection cup can be found for or less. Combined with a good knife and cutting board, this tool will be all you need for occasional juicing.

Optional Utensils

A citrus squeezer is handy for quickly juicing lemons and limes. A wheat grass juicer is a hand cranked extractor for recipes using wheat grass and other soft leaves. A mango corer is a handy tool to have when using fresh mango in your juices. Oxo makes one that sells in many grocery stores for about .

Electric Juice Extractor

When you want to make juicing part of your lifestyle or go on a juice diet, you will more successful if you have an electric juice extractor. Breville, Black & Decker, Hamilton Beach and Jack Lalanne are some of the most popular brands. The heavy duty juicers have a feed tube, much like a Food processor, and a mesh Filter that separates the pulp from the juice. Most fruits can be fed whole into the extractor, making juice preparation quick and easy. These units yield much more juice than a manual juicer, and the pulp can be composted or used in many recipes.


A high quality blender is a nice addition because it allows you to expand your recipes to frozen fruit juices, smoothies and blended soups. Black & Decker, Hamilton Beach, Cuisinart, KitchenAid and Oster are the most common brands. Always purchase a professional series blender with the most power you can afford. You really only need two-speeds and preferably a glass or durable polycarbonate container. Vitamix makes one of the best high performance blenders available. They cost more but last much longer than other brands, and they are so powerful you can actually make steaming hot soup in them in just minutes. It's a good investMent if you will be using your blender daily.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Vegan Pizza Recipe - Ingredients And Directions On How To Make The Perfect Vegan Pizza

Vegan Pizza Recipe - Ingredients And Directions On How To Make The Perfect Vegan Pizza

This is a vegan pizza recipe using Greek flavors. Using whole wheat pitas are a great way to make an easy and delicious pizza. Top them with lots of vegetables to get a lot of nutrients in a fun dinner. Make your own pesto with parsley and almonds for fresh flavor. Top this pizza off with a tangy sunflower seed crumble instead of feta.

This recipe makes enough for 3 mini pizzas.

Vegan Pizza Recipe Ingredients
Whole wheat pitas or small flatbreads - 3

Pesto Ingredients:
Fresh parsley ¼ cup almonds (ground) 1-2 cloves garlic sea salt ¼ cup olive oil

½ zucchini, thinly sliced 3 roma tomatoes, thinly sliced handful black olives, pitted & chopped

Sunflower Seed Crumble topping:
½ cup ground sunflower seeds (grind your own) 1-2 Tbsp nutritional yeast 1 Tbsp olive oil 2 tsp sea salt

Vegan Pizza Recipe Directions
Mix together the parsley, ground almonds, garlic and salt in a Food processor or mortar & pestle. Add just enough olive oil to bring the mixture together. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lay the pitas or flatbreads out on a baking sheet and spread the pesto on them. You will have some pesto left over for using with Pasta or to stuff some mushrooms, or whatever you like. Arrange the sliced zucchini on the pizzas, and sprinkle them with sea salt. Arrange the sliced tomato on top of the zucchini and sprinkle them with pepper. Add the chopped olives on top, then some of the sunflower seed topping. You will have extra topping to use for other recipes. Bake the pizzas for 15-20 minutes, until the vegetables get soft. Once they are cooked, take the mini pizzas out of the oven and cut them into quarters. For a nutritional bonus, add some fresh sprouts on top of your pizza!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Juicing 101 - Getting Started on the Road to Health and Vitality

Juicing 101 - Getting Started on the Road to Health and Vitality

Juicing is a wonderful way of getting your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Research has shown the numerous health benefits of raw Food consumption because of the higher availability of nutrients and vitamins, and juicing speeds the uptake of these nutrients.

If you are just starting out, the process can seem overwhelming at first. What to juice? Which ingredients to combine? What to avoid? These questions are important, but please don't let them prevent you from discovering all the amazing health benefits that juicing can offer. With a little research and practice, you can be an expert in no time.

To get you started, here are the top concerns expressed by most beginners and my advice for adDressing those concerns:

1) What kind of Juicer should I buy? When you buy something, get the highest quality that you can afford. It will end up costing you less in the long run. That's what my Pop always told me. I think this is certainly true for juice extractors. The better your machine, the more you'll enjoy using it and the more durable you will want it to be. Personally, I like the Breville Juice Fountain juicers. There are several models ranging from about 0 to around 0. Each one is among the highest quality juice machines in their price range.

2) Why is juicing better than just eating the same Food? Some claim that the benefit of juicing lies in the fact that your body assimilates the highly concentrated nutrients into the bloodstream more quickly, and that eating whole food takes a lot longer to digest and process. In addition, there is some evidence that a large portion of the nutrients are locked in the indigestible fiber and are therefore never utilized by the body. Juicing effectively separates those nutrients from the pulp and you get almost 100% of those nutrients.

To me, the real benefit of juicing is its ability to deliver the right amount of fruit and vegetables each day. Are you going to eat 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day? I know I'm not. But it is very easy and enjoyable to make up the difference in the form of fresh juice.

3) What foods should I put in my juicer? There are hundreds of websites where you can access juicing recipes and the specific health benefits associated with each. Seek them out and start experiMenting. First though, start out simple with apples, watermelon and carrots. I also recomMend you dilute your juice at first in order to minimize the laxative effect that this dietary change can bring on. Once you get the hang of it, you can begin adding other fruits.

Juicing green vegetables provide excellent nutritional benefit. Spinach, cucumber, celery, parsley, beets, tomato, and leafy greens are all good choices. The flavor might be too intense and "grassy" for some folks, so experiment by incorporating some fruit or carrot juice to improve the taste.

4) How long will fresh juice last and how should I store it? Fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Any longer and the health benefits are gone. You can also freeze it, but I never do.

5) Should I include the skin, rinds and seeds? Usually, yes. Most of the nutrients are just below the surface of the skin so in most cases you should use the peel. Even cantaloupe and pineapple skin should be used. Peel citrus because the rind is quite bitter. Most small and/or soft seeds are OK. Hard pits should be removed and not put inside your juicer.

6) What about pesticides and wax on fruits and vegetables? Soak anything you plan to juice in a mixture of water and about 4 ounces of cider vinegar for about 10 minutes and then wash it really well. This strips off the wax and pesticides. Organic produce is a more expensive alternative. However these should be thoroughly cleaned too. Finally, there are good vegetable washing products available at most grocery stores. The one I use is called "Fit" and is found in the fresh produce section.

7) What do I do with the pulp? There are many recipes for using the pulp (fiber) in baking, sauce and soup recipes. You can also just throw it away. I put mine down the disposal when I don't have a specific use for it. On a side note, don't enTirely replace your diet with juice. Your body needs fiber. Juice should enhance the diet, not replace it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicer Recipes For Homemade Juices

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juicer Recipes For Homemade Juices

We know that it is a healthy idea to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices 2-3 times a day. However, these healthy drinks, when bought from restaurants or commercial shops, can be a little expensive. But do not fret because there is always a practical and fun alternative to that.

In the comforts of your own home, you can enjoy the nourishing benefits of a fruit juice or vegetable drink. You simply need to have a juicer, which most household kitchens these days already have. Most of the juicers now are very convenient. You literally just throw all the ingredients inside, turn the juicer on, wait for a few seconds to couple of minutes, and voila! You already have your whole day's worth of fresh juice at half the price of those commercial ones.

In case you don't have a juicer yet, you might want to consider buying one soon. It is a good investMent if you care about your health. When you buy a juicer, it should be versatile that it functions not only as a juicer but can also be a chopper, a Food mill or a mincer. It is also best to buy one that is capable of working on slow speeds so as not to destroy your fruits and vegetables. Ease of cleaning is another important factor to take note of. The Faster that you can clean the juicer, the more varieties you can make in less time.

Some Juicer Recipes

Carrot-Apple-Ginger - Gives you the morning energy boost.

3 Apples
8 Carrots
An inch of ginger root

All Green - Nourishes and energizes the body.

5 Lettuce Leaves
1 Stalk Celery
1 Handful Parsley
2 Handfuls Spinach
2 Apples (for a little sweet taste)

Tropical Cooler - Refreshingly cool. Rich in Vitamin C.

1 Apple
2 Oranges
1 Pineapple
½ Honeydew Melon

Pepper and Fruits - Rich in Vitamin C.

2 Apples
3 Oranges
2 Pears
½ Grapefruit
2 Yellow Peppers

There are lot more fruit and vegetable juice combinations that can be mixed up. These produce can easily be bought from the nearest grocery store. Just stock up in the fridge and always have your juicer ready, and you can have an inexpensive, healthy, fresh juice without having to leave the house.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vegan Salad Recipe - Ingredients And Directions On How To Make The Perfect Vegan Salad

Vegan Salad Recipe - Ingredients And Directions On How To Make The Perfect Vegan Salad

This vegan salad recipe uses beets, mushrooms and almonds to create a healthy and filling salad. It can be tough to find vegan salads that are filling enough to eat as a meal, and the addition of beets does just that. Beets give you lots of silicon, and in Chinese medicine are used to stimulate blood circulation and liver function. Almonds are full of calcium and add some calories to this salad.

This recipe makes 2 meal-sized salads.

Vegan Salad Recipe Ingredients

5 mushrooms, sliced 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar sea salt 2 beets (root) zest and juice of 1 orange 2-3 Tbsp olive oil (depending on volume of orange juice) 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar sea salt half a head of green or red leaf lettuce quarter cup of toasted almonds

Vegan Salad Recipe Directions

Put the sliced mushrooms in a container that has a lid, sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt and the balsamic vinegar and shake them (with the lid on). Then leave them to marinate and soften, and shake them occasionally as you prepare the rest of the meal. In a pot, put the beets, unpeeled, with some water. Bring this to a boil, Cooking the beets until they are soft, for about 20 minutes. While the beets cook and the mushrooms marinate, prepare the Dressing. Combine the orange juice, zest, oil, vinegar and salt in a jar or bowl and shake or stir. Rinse and dry the lettuce, and then tear it into bite-size pieces into a large salad bowl. If you buy untoasted almonds, you can toast them for about 5 minutes at 350. Once you can start to smell them, they are done and need to be removed from the oven immediately. Roughly chop them. Remove the beets from the pot once they are soft enough to be skewered with a fork, and let them to cool. Peel them with the edge of a knife, and slice them into thick bite-size quarters. Add the cooked beets and marinated mushrooms to the salad bowl. Toss the Dressing into the salad, and serve with the chopped almonds sprinkled on top.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Advantages of Broccoli Juice

Advantages of Broccoli Juice

Many people do not like the taste of the juice of broccoli at all. Broccoli is a tasty vegetable to eat, when cooked, but the juice does not sound very appealing. The green juices are not preferred by people. Instead, we are happy to have a drink red or blue are not as nutritious as broccoli, green juice.

Broccoli comes from the family of cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. We hear too often overcabbage juice and its benefits, but we have never heard of kale juice or Brussels sprout juice. So many people wonder what is so special about the Broccoli juice, is it the taste or the nourishMent in it?

Broccoli like other vegetables has 90 percent water content in it. The rest 10 percent is a powerful mixture of nutrients. Broccoli juice is highly rich in dietary fiber, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains traces of various important minerals and healthy amounts of vitamin C. There are many other vitamins in very small quantity and different amino acids as well.

Broccoli and broccoli juice are also known to fight against cancer, although they are not a cure for cancer. While shopping for broccoli, look out for broccoli flowers which are purple on top. The stalk of broccoli is known to have a greater percenTAGe of carotenoids which are beneficial for health. The anti-oxidants and cartenoids in the broccoli help fight cancer.

Among the vegetables, broccoli tops the name as one of the most nutritional ones, but unfortunately people do not like to eat it raw due to its taste. Usually, overcooked broccoli does not taste very delicious to eat.

A glass of broccoli juice is considered as a great way to start the day. As far as the taste goes it is not appetizing at all. With vegetables, there is a general principal which says that the green contents in any juice should not exceed one third of the quantity. If you want to include broccoli juice to your daily diet, you can do so by mixing it with other vegetables in the juice extractor such as carrots because they blend very well with different vegetables.

Adding carrots or any other vegetables will not change the taste completely, but the taste will only become a little different. Celery or a few leaves of Romaine lettuce can also be added in the juice extractor. There are many other tasty vegetables that can be added to make broccoli juice a good drink.

Many people enjoy carrot-apple juice, so it would be a good option to add a few slices of carrots and apples as well in the juice extractor along with broccoli. You can come up with different tastes of broccoli juice by trying different recipes every time.

Broccoli juice contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, and copper calcium, potassium, iron and zinc. Always choose broccoli which is rich green in color without dried or yellow patches.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Juice Extractor - The Solution For 5 Fruits and Vegetables a Day

A Juice Extractor - The Solution For 5 Fruits and Vegetables a Day

If you're like me, your daily fruit and vegetable centrifugal will help you improve. Look around you, in magazines, on TV ... Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is the type of advertising that we see everywhere.

If five fruits and vegetables seem to be a bit 'of may in practice in his daily life very complicated are made. First, because what people are saying that we are accustomed to our Food, even though we know that is not always "very healthy"French fries or Pasta dish is always a success and is poised to soon ... Try a green salad to add here and there, perhaps, but try spinach, add the green beans, broccoli seems, lettuce, cabbage flower ... to be difficult on a regular basis. The lack of taste is often the main excuse.

Then we should abandon the idea of ​​adding more vegetables in our diet?

Not far away, is one of the rules of Cooking, to bring the following principles:

1) A visually appealing

2)A taste of sweet, salty, sour, spicy...and acid

Here comes the juice extractor and the delicious juice that you can do.

One of the best ways to drink juice of green vegetables is to add a serving of fruit, then you get a delicious smoothie sweet enough to be appreciated the taste and green enough to enjoy all the benefits of green vegetables such as high chlorophyll content.

Here, for example a green juice easy to do and rich in nutrients:

1 bunch spinach

Some leaf parsley

6 stalks celery

1 large apple

Very easy to drink, and yet you have a large portion of the amount of fruit and vegetables recomMended each day. One large green juice in the morning, one before dinner and you get a simple way to increase your amount of fruits and vegetables.

Your imagination will make unlimited juice recipes, just keep in mind if you want to mix fruit and vegetables to have 40% of vegetables or green vegetables for 60% of fruit.

Of course some people will tell you a juice extractor is difficult to clean and could be very long before to be able to drink your favorite juice.

I would say two things:

First there are juice extractors very easy to clean in 2 or 3 moveMent, and if you take a juicer with enough power, you don't need to spend time to push your vegetables. In this case, the best thing to do is to take a juice extractor which can make apple juice, lemon juice, wheatgrass or other vegetable juice without having to buy another one.

Depending on your budget you will find different types of juice extractors, manual ideal for travel, centrifugal juicer or masticating juicer.

Personally I find that a masticating juicers is better and can be used for most vegetables and fruit, which is not always the case with centrifugal juicers.

Friday, October 7, 2011

How Does ProSolution Gel Work to Counter Physical Problems?

How Does ProSolution Gel Work to Counter Physical Problems?

Health and fitness is a topic that is a major concern. Medical science has such an extent that the average life expectancy of Men has increased over the past centuries progressed. It 'only natural that every human need to live a long and healthy life feels. Today, technological breakthroughs to give people the power to ensure their basic needs, safe and effective.

How does ProSolution Gel work for the average man? The recent global crisis has brought with it a lotof stress and worry. Along with climatic conditions, subsequent pollution, and unhealthy life styles, there is a growing concern among Men about sustaining their relationships, as they grow older. The sudden lessening in their sexual drive and feeling of impotency makes them worry about being able to satisfy their partner.

Does ProSolution gel work to enhance the male libido? This instant arousal transdermal product increases confidence in the male about their performance. There is no need to worry about being embarrassed with weak erections and unfulfilled lovemaking anymore. ProSolution gel allows the increase of blood flow to the pelvic region. The various muscle groups react to the gel and awaken the dormant hormones in the body. The result is endless hours of pleasurable sex for the man and woman as he is now able to allow her to reach her climax with his insatiable hunger and deeper thrusts.

ProSolution gel comes in tubes and is handy for carrying around. A man does not have to worry, as he is ready for any situation that might occur unexpectedly. The very fact that he has the topical lube that can bring on a firm erection and staying power gives him a feeling of masculine power that is so necessary to bring out the best in anyone. When does ProSolution gel work best? The result is instantaneous, there is uncontrollable desire and your orgasm is kicked up several notches with the use of this handy ProSolution gel. A little bit of gel goes a long way to make your sex life all you ever dreamed.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Juicing Recipe Book Review

Juicing Recipe Book Review

Now that the centrifuge was purchased from Amazon have arrived and you are done reading the user manual and the machine on your kitchen table, what is still missing?

? It is a book of juicing recipes If yes, then one of the best books you look at the recipes nominal control, "Ultimate Juicing: delicious recipes for over 125 of the best combinations of fruit juices and vegetables," by Donna Pliner Rodnitzky.

IfAre you an expert juicer, then much of the information contained in this book is probably already knows, such as information used about the benefits of juicing and nutritional information for each fruit or vegetables in recipes. You may find that many of the recipes are common, but some may be unique for the purchase of the book is still worth it.

This book contains recipes to make the sound and fun to drink. The author callsThey experiMent. Purist may, with some recipes, sugar and alcohol are. But the author wants to juice to taste, not always in good health.

If you do not want the basics of juicing and want to know just recipes, this book is not for you. However, if you do not mind the additional information and want to combine good recipe, then the "Ultimate Juicing: delicious recipes for more thanThey have 125 of the best fruits and vegetables Juice Combinations "is exactly what is going on with the new centrifuge was purchased recently.

Copyright © Jon Chan

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Great Recipe Ideas vegetables

Can you really put your juicer to great use if you have to follow some tasty recipes, so if you love juicing and want to get some fantastic ideas, here are some of the top juicer recipes.

Carrot Juice

Juice Extractor Recipes

One of the favorite juicer recipes is carrot juice. This is most commonly made ​​juice, because it is so easy and also because of the many health benefits it provides, it is. All it takes is a couple of carrots and Juice them one at a time, until the amount of juice you need.

Great Recipe Ideas vegetables

You should not peel the carrots first because then you are one of the most nutritional value and some juicers also clean is the Food for you so you do not have to worry about this part either. So make sure you feed the carrot juicer in at a steady pace, never pushing too much.

Celery juice

Another one of the most popular juicers> Recipes celery juice. For this recipe you need only a couple of stalks of celery, and you want to cut each stem in a few different pieces, otherwise they are too large to pass through the juicer and can break at the end.

Want to feed the stalks at a constant speed, stop the manipulation of a few seconds, and if you are juicing large amounts of celery can stop and wash the machine after each bunch, so you do not keep cloggedhigh

Carrot Anise Drink

This juicer recipe is one of the funky, but still make it very quick and easy. You only 8 carrots, 2 stalks of star anise, 3-4 stalks of celery and two apples, juice, and you want everything in the order listed.

These are just some of the recipes juicer, choose, and remember that any juice you could in a store with your own juicer you can, just that they are increasinglyNutritional value and without all the sugar and preservatives that companies put the economy of business in their drinks.

A centrifuge is without doubt one of the most versatile kitchen appliances and useful that you will ever, and if you do not already have one, this is definitely an investMent that should be done in the near future. You can juice fresh fruits and vegetables you want and make them into a beverage to serve themselves, friends and family.

Great Recipe Ideas vegetables