Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor

Breville 800JEXL Juice Fountain Elite 1000-Watt Juice Extractor

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

There are many different shrimp recipes that you can prepare yourself in under 10 minutes. Talking about the popular seaFood people from all over the world has a great demand and craze for the delicious shrimp meat. It is the only sea Food that lets you play with all the spices.

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make Shrimp Recipes & Easy Shrimp Dishes You Can Make

Monday, April 2, 2012

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Vicki are wonderful little creatures that have a big impact on the environMents they live in. For the most part, these black and white critters go about their business, causing no known pests one but a problem. Unfortunately, they sometimes have run ins with people, pets or even living room furniture if they manage to get into a home personally.

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

When removing skunk odor from furniture is necessary, there are some tips that can help ensure the Job results in success. The best ideas for handling skunk odor on furniture includes:

Make sure the contaminated creatures or the contaminating creatures is isolated and cleaned or gone before proceeding. There is little point in trying to get skunk odors out of furniture if the cat or dog that rolled on a sofa is still skunksmelling and present. Clean up the creatures or get the skunk out of the house and then proceed. Carefully inspect all furniture that may have come in contact with the skunk. The idea is to not have to clean more than is necessary without missing anything that is. Gently blot up any wet spots. If the spray is fresh or a wet dog or cat just rolled on the furniture, spreading the skunk smell around, blot it up. Do not scrub to avoid working it further into the fabrics. Get an extracting machine if possible. Go to a hardware or grocery store and rent an extraction machine for cleaning fabric furniture. This will help pull the odor-causing skunk sprays out of the furniture rather than pushing it further into the fabric. If an extractor is not possible, consider getting abag of clean rags or other cleaning Cloths that can be tossed in the trash when the Job is done. Select the solution. Whether it's an extraction machine with an upholstery wand or clean up and a hand Job on tap, blot the right odor neutralizing agents are necessary. Some people prefer using baking soda and vinegar on furniture; others like the idea of using gentle sodas or professional cleaning agents. No matter the option, have plenty of the chosen solution on hand. Getting skunk smells out of furniture takes a bit of time and even several applications. If a trip to a store is in order, consider also picking up feminine cleaning products (these work well on skunk odors, too) and/or odor neutralizing sprays for fabrics for the follow up Job. Clean, extract or soak and blot. Thisparticular part of the process might take several applications and some time to work. With diligence and the right follow-up neutralizer, it should pay off.

As you can see, removing skunk odor is a task that can be accomplished. With the right tools and a bit of elbow grease, couch, chAir or even enTire living room can be salvaged.

Removing Skunk Odor From Furniture

Saturday, March 24, 2012

How Malnutrition Affects You

How Malnutrition Affects You

While we often associated with malnutrition with people in developing countries, where the Food Supply is inadequate, malnutrition occurs with people of developed countries as well. Knowing more about what the body needs for proper nourishMent and how we are challenged to receive adequate nutrition can help us prevent malnourishMent in ourselves and in those we know and love.

How Malnutrition Affects You

How Malnutrition Affects You

How Malnutrition Affects You

How Malnutrition Affects You

How Malnutrition Affects You

Biologically, we are intended to eat from a wide variety of Foods, but the typical person consumes a very narrow selection of foods. These foods are often highly processed and stripped of many vital nutrients. In addition to this, medications, stress, environMental toxins and tissue injury can further increase the need for nourishment.

An extreme lack of a specific nutrient will result in disease. Forexample, scurvy is the disease which results from severe lack of Vitamin c. Such diseases are what most people associate with malnutrition. Less acute deficiencies can still affect proper functioning of the body such as the brain, eyesight, height, weight, the functioning of various organs, as well as the development and formation of body parts, especially in unborn babies, newborn babies, and young children.

How do we protect ourselves from the dangers of malnutrition? We can first turn to the Food Pyramid for a bit of guidance. For fruits and vegetables, the Food Pyramid suggests that we eat about nine servings of a variety of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables each day. Unfortunately most people aren't eating this minimum and a recent report from the economic research arm of theUSDA stated that we would need an additional six million acres of farmland to grow enough of this produces to support this minimal need for the American diet. This suggests that we are most certainly not getting sufficient nutrition from food alone.

A second option to improve nutrition is to add freshly made juices to your diet. Juice extractors are very affordable and work by grinding away the extra fiber and cellulose from a fruit or vegetable and channeling the juice into a container. The juices are naturally sweet. Even a juice made from celery and spinach has a sweet flavor. Making your own juice provides better nourishment than pre-packaged juices and isn't likely to contain added sugar, or preservatives, unless you're adding thoseyourself. The downside to juicing is that juice extractors tend to make a mess, and must be cleaned immediately after use.

The third option is to supplement the diet with food-based, standardized nutritional supplements. This means supplements which are made by concentrating nutrients from food sources and are then tested to ensure that the final product provides those nutrients in a consistent fashion. Unfortunately, most nutritional supplements do not meet these standards so it is important that if you are going to use dietary supplements, to fill in the holes of your diet, you must find ones that are effective instead of reaching for the cheapest, mega-sized bottle of chemically manufactured multivitamins you can find.

How Malnutrition Affects You

Friday, March 2, 2012

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Is mustard gluten free? In its raw form seed, yes, but when it is mixed into prepared mustard pastes, flour, beer or malt vinegar is sometimes added. This is a "read the label every time" products but if the ingredient list doesn't include flour, beer or malt vinegar, go ahead an enjoy it.

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Commercial mustard comes in many forms from raw seeds to powdered mustard flour to rich creamy or oily spreads that go well with roasted meat and in sandwiches.

Mustard seeds are tiny round seeds-about 2 mm or less than one eighth of an inch in diaMeter. The seed color ranges from almost white to black. These seeds are naturally gluten free and are vastly different in size from any gluten-containing grain. When the seeds are separated from the pods and stems, a sieve with very smallholes will also separate out any gluten-containing seeds volunteer. Most commercially exported mustard seed comes from Canada, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Mustard seeds are mixed with water, vinegar, oils, and other spices and flavourings to make the spreadable prepared mustard pastes. Depending on the type of seed and the processing traditions, the final product ranges from white to bright yellow to black. The seeds may be crushed into a fine powder or left whole. Prepared mustards may be thick or quite thin.

Dry mustard, mustard flour or mustard powder is very finely ground mustard seeds. It has a flour-like texture but it does not contain wheat flour. Mustard powder is often added as an ingredient in other commercially prepared Foods as a flavoringagent.

Wheat flour is sometimes added to prepared mustards to adjust the texture, taste, and cost of the product. If wheat flour is added, it must be listed on the ingredient list. Beer is occasionally added to specialty mustard, making the product not gluten free it must also be included on the label. Malt vinegar does not seem to be used in commercial prepared mustards, but it often appears in recipes for home made mustards. If so, the mustard will not be gluten free.

Eating Gluten-Free Is Mustard OK?

Monday, February 20, 2012

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

Carrots are a great way to get into juicing .... they are a great staple for any juice recipe. They provide a good base to mix in and experiMent with other vegetables. They are not too sweet and not too bitter. Here are a few carrot juice recipes to get you started. When you prepare the ingredients keep the skins on (if using organic produce) and benefit from the nutrients just under the surface of the skin.

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes



1/4 inch piece of ginger

1 apple

4 carrots

Cut the ginger leave the skins on. Core the apples. Slice off the tips of the carrots and put through juice extractor.





4 to 6 carrots

.25 beetroot (peel off skins)

Core the apples. Peel the beets. Slice off the tips of the carrots and put through juice extractor.




1 apple

1 carrot

1 celery stalk

Core the apple. Slice off the tips of the carrot. Slice of tip of the celery stalk and and put through juice extractor.


ExperiMent with different quantities to vary the sweetness and taste. The vegetables are most flavorful when juiced and consumed at room temperature. You can store juices overnight or for a short period of time in the refrigerator, but let the juice warm up to room temperaturebefore drinking when possible. Vary the quantities of ingredients to get a different taste. For example; adding more apple will give a sweeter taste, while more celery or green vegetables will give the juice more of a bite.

Carrot Juicing Tips

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when juicing carrots:

1) Never looking into the Food chute while the juicer is running. From time to time small particles of carrots get propelled back and can cause damage.

2) Only use the plunger to push the carrots down into the chute. Using an item knife or a wooden spoon can be potentially dangerous.

save time 3) To purchase a greater number of thinner carrots instead of the fat ones. This way you will not have to spend time cutting them to fit the chute on thejuicer. If you purchase a juicer with a very wide mouth then it does not matter.

4) Organic is better it will save you time and reduces exposure to potentially toxic substances.

3 Healthy Carrot Juice Recipes

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

1. If you are juicing for health, it is useful to remember that fresh juice starts to lose nutrients as soon as it is made. If you want to retain the full benefit of your effort, drink the juice immediately or as soon as possible.

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

2. Some juice extractors, such as the centrifugal exp-ejection type, generated enough heat during operation to do some damage to the delicate structure of the juice. The resultant oxidation destroys nutrients.

3. Masticating juicers use a more gentle process, preserving more of the valuable nutrients. This also enables you to store the juice for a longer period.

4. If you have to store the juice for a while, make sure that the container is Airtight, add a few drops of lemon> juice, and keep it refrigerated.

5. When juicing for health, clever gadgets named PumpNseal can be used to vacuum seal in any juice jar. Removing the Air enables you to store the juice for longer periods without nutrient loss.

6. In general, masticating juicers offer extra features, such as accessories you can use to mill, grind, puree, to make dough, and to come up with the most squirt4real frozen desserts. When juicing for health, these extras will give you a fAirly varied repertoire in the kitchen. A raw Food diet will become more feasible in the process.

7. If you are concerned about a high noise level, choose one of the rather masticating models.

8. Remember to remove hard pits from fruit such as peaches. You won't eat these and neitherwill your juicer! Don't ruin the blades! Apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide. Be sure to remove these before juicing.

9. Most body-building, leafy greens have strong flavors. Cucumber is a terrific disguise for this, and has the added advanTAGe of containing important nutrients. Maximise the benefit by using one that doesn't need peeling.

10. If you are juicing for health, use organic produce as far as possible. Otherwise wash everything thoroughly.

11. Often the greatest concentration of nutrients lie just beneath the rind or skin.

12. don't peel carrots, but do remove their greens. Rhubarb greens also need to be removed. There may be a problem with toxicity if you juice these.

13. Do peel citrus, mango and papaya. These peels are not usableand may even be harmful to you. The skins of oranges and grapefruits contain toxic substances. However, the white pithy part, just below the skin, contains valuable bioflavonoids. Aim to retain as much of this as possible.

14. Soft fruits such as peaches, melons and strawberries will produce a much thicker juice than harder textured fruit such as apples. Combine the two to improve the results.

15. banana and papaya Rather blend. They don't juice well. If you have one of the masticating juicers with added features, you can try these as a frozen dessert. Juicing for health isn't supposed to be a punishMent, after all! Enjoy something sweet again.

16. Follow soft fruits with harder textured produces, to facilitate clearing the pulp.

17. Juicing leafygreens becomes much easier if you roll the leaves into a little ball, before feeding it into the machine.

18. Wheat-grass is exceptionally nutrient-rich, and has a strong taste enough to equal its value! If your juicer can manage it, start with tiny amounts and increase the quantity slowly.

19. It is claimed that the benefits of drinking wheat grass juice includes cleansing the lymph system, building the red blood cells, removing toxic metals from the cells, nourishing the liver and kidneys, and restoring vitality.

20. Wheat-grass needs to be consumed in juice form, as the body cannot process the plant fibres.

21. Wheat-grass is gluten-free, in spite of its name. Gluten is found only in the seed kernel, and not in the stem and the leaves of grassyoung plant. It should therefore be safe for individuals with a gluten intolerance.

22. Drink freshly made juice daily and concentrate on using as wide a variety of produce as possible, to ensure that your body receives a bit of all the most beneficial micronutrients.

23. Your need for expensive suppleMents in the form of vitamin and mineral tablets, will diminish significantly, if you are juicing for health on a daily basis.

24. Many ailMents will improve if juice forms a regular part of your diet. For example, cabbage juice is one of the most healing juices in case of migraine head. In this case, use under medical supervision.

25. If you experience water retention, juices such as celery, cucumber, watermelon, cranberry and are extremelyhelpful.

26. A general rule is that a pound of manufactures will give you about a cup of juice.

27. One cup of carrot juice is equal to about four cups diced, raw carrots. Carrots are much easier to consume in liquid form. Your body is also able to assimilate them better.

28. Vegetable juice is a low-calorie snack and contains no fat. Use it as part of a sensible eating plan and experience the wonderful results.

29. Fresh juices act as a healthy, harmless, and craving suppressant appetite curber.

30. Vegetable juice can also help to establish blood sugar levels. It has much less sugar than fruit juices and about 50% less calories, yet it will satisfy that sweet tooth every time. Try carrot or a combination of carrot and parsley> juice when a craving hits you, and the juice jolt will give it a knock-out before you know it!

31. A water Fast may leave you feeling drained, while a vegetable juice Fast will give you an energy surge. Fasting should always be done under supervision.

32. If you really don't like the taste of certain vegetables, try juicing these and adding them to some of your favorites. You probably won't even notice the difference in taste, but your body will certainly notice the difference in nutritional value!

33. Your skin may become slightly yellow if you consume large quantities of carrot juice. This effect is harmless and will disappear once you reduce your consumption.

34. Juicing for health is more beneficial if you consume juice thatis at room temperature.

35. Ginger gives a bit of a bite to juice. Try it! It has anti-inflammatory properties. Stomach irritations, nausea and motion sickness can be relieved by taking ginger.

36. The nutrients in the juice you drink is taken up immediately by all the cells in your body. Your juicer magically transfers the manufactures into pre-digested Food. This means that your body is able to make maximum use of all the enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

37. Juices help you to maintain the proper PH in your body, which is important in preventing diseases like cancer.

38. The phytochemicals in the juice also helps to remove carcinogens from your body.

39. The properties in many vegetables, such as cucumber and carrots, will improve yourskin, hAir, and nails. If you up your intake of fresh juice, expensive beauty treatments may become a thing of the past.

40. Juicing for health is anti-ageing and puts the spring back in your step.

41. Children love the sweet taste of carrot juice. It is easy to add other, perhaps detested veggies to the juice, without them noticing it.

42. Remember that, it you have kids, they may be more willing to try the juice at first if you turn it into a smoothie. Try apple, carrot and grapes or strawberry. Put ice cubes in a blender and pour into your juice mixture. Add some frozen yoghurt or sherbert if you want, and blend to the desired thickness.

43. A good way to add extra flavor and sweetness to juice, is to use fresh orshredded coconut.

44. You can also add some cranberries if you like the taste. Cranberries have an extremely high antioxidant content. In addition, they may help you to avoid urinary tract infections.

45. Scientists recommend 8 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day. A substantial portion of the population don't even reach 20% of the ideal. Juicing for health is the easiest way to bring you closer to this goal.

46. Although juicing removes some of the fibers, the process allows you to ingest a much more concentrated, easily assimmilated forms of enzymes, minerals and vitamins. Just be sure to boost your fiber intake by eating fiber-rich foods such as cereals and whole grains.

47. It is believed that sugar cane juice has properties thathelp to prevent tooth decay. In contrast, eating sugar cane often, will result in frequent visits to the dentist.

48. There is also evidence that there may be some wound healing and immune strengthening properties in sugar cane. In addition, the juice has a soothing effect on the digestive system, especially when combined with fresh ginger.

49. Juicing for health isn't a cure-all! If your lifestyle is unhealthy in general, don't expect juicing to magically wipe out the negative effects of all the things you know you probably shouldn't do!

Juicing For Health-Fifty Fascinating Facts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

The Bullet Express meal machine saves space and some money when compared to buying a Food processor, a juicer and a mixer. But these single function products may perform better than the Bullet Express so know what to expect before buying. If your juicing, Food processing and mixing needs are not too demanding, this product may be a good purchase. But if you are serious about any of these applications you may want to consider buying something else.

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Is the Bullet Express the right food processor for you? Durability and performance problems can be an issue for some inexpensive food processors, so if you have demanding food processing Jobs you may want to consider other food processor / blender combo machines and get a separate juicer if you are more serious about juicing.

The Meal Mixer will do the Job in most households but if you are a serious cook who needs a serious heavy duty mixer, you should definitely consider the famous KitchenAid stand mixer. Definitely heavier, bulkier and much more expensive than the bullet but much more durable and versatile with plenty of attachMents (expensive) to chose from

The Bullet Express system with the juicer attachMent works pretty well as a juice extractor. It can easily handle softer veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, celery but you may need a pricier, more powerful model if you want to juice hard vegetables like beets and carrots. If you are planning to prepare juices for one person you may want to consider the original Magic Bullet juicer.

Does the Bullet Express Really Work As a Juicer, Food Processor and Mixer?

Monday, January 9, 2012

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

Beetroot juice not only has a stunning color but is also packed with nutrients. It is a terrific source of vitamins and minerals. The beets contain vitamins B1, B2, niacin, B6, B12, Vitamin C potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iodine, iron and copper.

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body

It is rich in antioxidants - carotenoids and flavanoids, which help reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

It has an anti-carcinogenic color. The deep red color comes from betacyanin, a substance which prevents colon cancer.

Beets are also great source of silica which is essential for healthy skin, hAir, nails and bones. Calories wise one medium beetroot contains just 35 calories.

The Magic of Beetroot Juice

An intake of one glass of beetroot juice will do wonders to your health -

It is the only plant source of B12 contains easily assimilated iron Contains Betaine, which helps maintain liver function It can drastically reduce high blood pressure Popular for being a great liver cleanser Beetroot is also believed to regenerate the cells of the immune system, build and purify the blood and improve the circulation The juice is claimed to be beneficial in the treatMent of gallstones and kidney stones. Fights cancer For woMen, it improves the menstrual problems as well as cures anemia used for curing eye fatigue & Tiredness

Before you start drinking Beetroot Juice or making any other diet change, seek a doctor's advice on the plan. Your physician will be able to advice you after a physical examination, if this plan is right for you.

Top 10 Health Conditions Beetroot Juice Is Used For -

Anemia Bladder Problems Circulatory Problems Eye Fatigue Kidneys Liver Problems Menstrual Menopause Skin Problems Tiredness

Beetroot juice is very potent, and it is recommended that you drink the raw juice diluted or mixed with other vegetable or fruit juices so as not to push the body into detoxifying too quickly. Here is one of the juicer recipes I like most- Combine Beetroot Juice with cucumber and celery to balance it's sweet taste.

10 Good Things Beetroot Juice Will Do For Your Body